Mike Senna's Wall-E
These two mechanical engineers recently completed work on two fully-functional Wall-E robots. Using linear actuators from Progressive Automations, they have created a robot that rivals even the one that roams around the Disneyland grounds. When briefly presented with an opportunity to speak with Mike, one of his first comments was, "Love the products!" If you'd like to watch a video about these two Wall-E projects, you can view it here.
E-Bay is massive, and a great place to find Progressive Automations reviews. It's easy to find out what the public thinks by searching for the 'Top Rated Seller, indication along with the customer satisfaction percentage. When it comes to our products, we maintain a high satisfaction percentages as well as the 'Top Rated Seller' mark, but we encourage you to take a look for yourself. You can find our E-Bay page here.
Another great site to find reviews on is Amazon.com. Just as with E-Bay, the Progressive Automations reviews are unbeatable, but we expect you to find that out for yourself. You can visit some of our product pages here.
Our Customers and Sponsorships
We are consistently involved with innovative projects headed up by students all around North America. We have sponsored projects that have been awarded first place and projects that have been developed to provide assistance to the elderly and disabled.
Our YouTube channel has many different videos you can review to learn more about the various types of projects we and our customers have been involved in over the years. Customers often submit projects to us in the form of videos, which can also be viewed on our YouTube channel.
Reviews are some of the most powerful tools at a customer's disposal. They are free and give a great overview of the company. Be sure to take in multiple sources when you search out Progressive Automations reviews. In order to get an accurate reading of any company, you'll need a large amount of data to pull from. Good luck reviewing!