
The Need of Single Table Lift for Automotive Repair

Table lifts are used in motorcycle maintenance and repair. The use of such device works perfect for performing repairs and general maintenance schedules. We at Progressive Automations, Inc manufacture linear actuators that are used in Single Table Lifts. Our high-end manufacturing facility provides maximum benefit in offering state-of-the-art actuators. Modern technology is used in creation of lift tables; we test them several times in different environments to gain maximum performance. Actuators are installed at the base of the table that will provide lifting capabilities, it will also ensure to provide different level options according to the weight of the motorcycle.

A motorcycle is loaded on the Single Table Lift and engaged in first gear with a paddock stand. The motorcycle should not move forward or backward or the chances of sliding are more during lifting processes. Paddock stand comes handy during lifting as it grips the motorcycle on two wheels. The actuator then releases the pressure and lifts the stand along with the motorcycle. The user can lift the table according to his height and repair capabilities; one touch button takes care of the lifting process. Once the required height is attained, the onboard lever can lock the actuator at the operating height. Release the pressure when the repair is completed, reduce the height slowly, and engage the motorcycle in first gear to avoid slipping.

Maintenance and repairs are less if compared to other components and devices used for repairing motorcycle. Feel free to visit for more information.