
Traction Control and Linear Actuators

Linear Actuator is installed in vehicles for speed and control enhancements. We at Progressive Automations, Inc manufacture high end Linear Actuators for industrial and commercial requirements. Traction control is an important part of a vehicle, with the use of this benefit the car is stable at high speeds. The design and make of these actuators is simply superb and outstanding, they can work in any type of environments without any problem. The other benefit of these actuators is that they can be installed in any car as an aftermarket product also.

Traction control is a unit that is powered by use of actuators for controlling speed due to gear slippage. Traction control makes sense for cars traveling at high speeds and dodging corners, race cars widely make use of traction control for day-to-day requirements. A traction control unit will decrease the speed of the car in ease because of the internal gear pressure. It channelizes power using on board computer installed with the CPU. Rotation of the tire is exactly as required according to the settings and road requirements. A car with traction control will be much easier to drive than a car without it; benefits of traction control keep on pulling up.

Maintenance and repairs for traction control are close to nil, it is developed by use of modern technology. Every traction control manufactured is checked several times for perfection and performance; it has to match to stock settings of the car. Feel free to log on to for more details on our automation technology and actuators.